Spiked tyres from Schwalbe are the best option in snow and ice.
The Schwalbe Marathon Winter comes in 700/29er as well as 26" sizes

This Kevlar belted tyre will give you great grip as well as protection from puncture. Make your journey, a safe journey. Even on tight bends and with violent braking, this tyre will keep you under control even on icy roads. The spikes work best on ice when run at low pressure , whilst at maximum pressure they can be ridden on ice free roads with little road noise.
For snow Schwalbe manufacture the Snow Stud available in 700 x 38c ( also usable on 29ers ) plus 26 x 1.9.

This tyre is the perfect winter tyre. The studs are only on the edge of the tyre at lower pressures the tyre gains optimum grip but at higher pressures on snow free surfaces it performs like a conventional tyre.
For extreme conditions look no further than the Ice Spiker.
With 304 especially long spikes you will be prepared for the worst of conditions. To ensure the spikes are permanently fixed we highly recommend running them on roads for approximately 30 miles to bed them in. They are available in 26 x 2.1. So whatever Winter has in stall for us you can stick out there, remain safe and have great fun in the snow !
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