Then it all went pear-shaped, well, Ford Fiesta shaped. On a ride out around Longridge Fell I was hit square on by a Ford Fiesta pulling out of a junction.
Lots of blue lights, a very apologetic young driver and a trip to Preston Hospital on a spine board. All very exciting and bloody annoying, although whilst strapped to the spine board and being told my bike was in several pieces I did start to ponder about a shiny new bike.....
The training programme worked a treat. On a borrowed bike (cheers Andy) I managed the Etape du Dales in 7hrs 40 which I was really chuffed with. A month later I did the Open Adventure Coast to Coast In A Day sportive, a cracking event giving 150 miles of pretty challenging riding through beautiful scenery and well orgnaised too. I managed that one in 10hrs but I had an underlying problem with stomach pains, something which had niggled me on the EdD too. I'd find that after 7hrs of riding I just couldn't eat or drink, feeling very bloated and throwing up. I tried not using gels or sugary stuff (on a spin round the Fred Whitton route which ended in me bonking) but I still felt rough, in the mean time my Kinesis arrived and was built up, I decided to christen it with a 200 miler (bit ambitious), I managed the distance but had to get rescued 2 miles from home having not eaten or drunk any fluids in 6 hours, bloody guts! The answer eventaully lay in Michael Hutchinson's book "Faster" when he talked about Team Sky's nutritionist giving the team pro-biotics and sorting out their gut bacteria. A course of pills and a tentative 8hr ride, then a 12 hr ride and things were looking good, happy days!

So that was the lows and highs of 2014, other gems were Great Dun Fell in a gale, hitting 101kph descending Fleet Moss and 4000+ other miles around the Dales.
Stand out bits of kit? Ultegra 11 speed is awesome, the 11-32 cassette is great for lardies like me on the Hardknott and Coal Road. The Kinesis Ti is a beautiful ride and looks the biz too. 2k+ and the Swiss Side Gotthards are flawless, running smooth and true. My Exposure Blaze rear light is retina-searingly brilliant and great for ultra long rides.
2015 goals? The Etape again, hopefully a race around Iceland is on the cards, another 300 miler hopefully 24hrs, maybe some Audax rides and the odd TT too. The big news is I'm officially riding for Team All Terrain, so a huge thanks to Tony for what will hopefully be another good year.
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